This guide was written on 23.01.2022 for OnePlus Nord.
The settings might have changed in the meanwhile. If you spot any changes please let us know.
1) Primarily, unlock your OnePlus and go to the Settings.
2) Now, go to the Apps & Notifications.
3) Thirdly, tap on App permissions.
4) Inside permission manager choose section that you wish to check.
(We recommend giving the x-wrist app permisions to:
Location, Physical activity, Camera, Body sensors)
5) Search x-wrist app and click on it.
At now, you're able to check location rights granted on x-wrist Application .
Please check the: Allow all the time
Go back and do the same for other permissions.
6) shut down the phone and open it again (do not restart)
7) open the x-wrist app and start over with creating a user account
If the band is still not found in the app reset it to factory settings and try again